
General Rules

Do NOT expect any Staff to take action without valid proof.

Do NOT Bully/Harass/Threaten/Flame any players for any reason. A negative attitude towards others for Roleplay purposes is allowed if all Players involved are aware and have no issue with it.

Do NOT spam anything if it's irritating others or is obstructive (filling OOC Chat etc.). If more than one person asks you to stop playing music/sounds over Microphone or repeatedly using Keybinds, that's your cue to stop.

Do NOT try to be a Smartie Pants or Troll. You'll just dig yourself a hole.

This is an ENGLISH speaking server and is the Language you must use everywhere, except to others out of global chat (OOC, Advert, Event, Broadcast etc.)

Do NOT apply other Server rules to this Server. If you wish to see any Rules Added/Edited, make a request in the Server's Steam Group.

Do NOT impersonate Staff or any other Players. Don't think it's a clever way to evade punishment. You have Unique Identifiers tied to your Steam account regardless of your name.

Do NOT Hack/Exploit. Hacking is clearly prohibited by all means. Exploiting can be recognized as doing something when it was not intended to be done that way. Hacking or Exploiting will result in a Permanent Ban.

Do NOT attempt to evade punishment (leaving the Server when caught etc.). You will still be punished, albeit with a greater penalty.

Do NOT mislead Players with your own perception of what the Rules are. What is stated here is what the rules are. If you require any clarification on anything, ask a member of Staff.

Do NOT request assistance from Staff in unnecessary situations. Only do so if it's needed or you witness somebody rule-breaking. Staff are not here to personally Babysit you.

Do NOT Encourage/Antagonize Rule Breaking.

Assault Rules

Do NOT RDM (Random DeathMatch). Killing others without a valid reason is not allowed at all.

Do NOT RDA (RanDom Arrest). Arresting others without a valid reason is not allowed at all.

CDM (Car DeathMatch) is not possible on this Server (You're unable to kill others by striking them with a Vehicle), but don't try regardless. That will be classed as "Prop Pushing" which is NOT allowed.

Do NOT kill trespassers without at least clearly warning them first and haven't already left your property.

Do NOT abuse any weapons you have to hurt other players (Such as punching them) or to irritate them (Such as Stunsticking to dazzle).

Do NOT break NLR (New Life Rule) if you're killed during a Raid/Kidnap/Mug etc. Don't go back to the scene of your death until 5 minutes have passed, even if it was at your own property.

Do NOT Revenge Kill, as in, don't try to kill the last Player who killed you without a valid Roleplay reason that doesn't link into them killing you or any other actions in your past life.

Roleplay Rules

If you have the "Background Character" Job, you are subject to Roleplay/Actions (Raiding, Mugging, Kidnapping etc.) by other Players. Don't try to wriggle out of it by saying you don't want to participate. If you wish to be left alone, change to the "Builder" or "Private Roleplayer" Jobs.

If you have the "Builder" Job, do NOT attempt to Roleplay/Carry out Actions (Raiding, Mugging, Kidnapping etc.) on other Players. Other Players cannot touch you with this Job, likewise you cannot touch them.

If you have the "Private Roleplayer" Job, you are excluded from any form of interaction by other players who are not Roleplaying privately with you. Other Players outside of your Private Roleplay cannot touch you with this Job, likewise you cannot touch them.

Refrain from Sandboxing (Creating Contraptions, Prop Surfing, Generally Mucking Around etc.) in all Jobs, with the exception of the "Builder" Job. Do NOT interrupt other players regardless.

If you undertake any Job except "Background Character", "Builder" or "Private Roleplayer", make sure you actually DO something with that Job - not just play around Out Of Character. Failing to do so may result in you getting demoted!

If you undertake a Royal Guard Job, make sure you DO THE JOB CORRECTLY! No Killing/Bullying others, No committing Crimes, No Ignoring Players who request your help, No turning a Blind Eye to crimescenes you witness. Your Job is to PROTECT and SERVE!

If you undertake the "Prince/Princess" Job, make sure you place up Lawboards, Write up Laws for others to follow (that are within reason of course) and keep an eye over your subjects.

Do NOT commit crimes on others (Raids/Mugs/Kidnaps etc.) as ANY Job except for the Changeling Jobs.

Do NOT abuse your Job. Using Its Resources and disrupting Roleplay is abuse of a Job.

Do NOT use Cameras inside anyone's base without their permission. No floating Cameras either (mount them to a Wall/Prop).

Do NOT use Advert Chat for chatting unless it's related to your job for Advertising Only.

Do NOT use Event Chat for chatting unless it's related to an action you are committing/have committed as your job.

Do NOT attempt to commit crimes if you have set your Player Size to any value below "1" or your Player Scale to any values below "1, 1, 1" using PAC.

DO NOT Metagame. Metagaming is an "Out Of Character" action where a Player's Character makes use of knowledge that the Player is aware of but that the Character is not meant to be aware of, such as using information gained from OOC (Out Of Character) Chat to your advantage.

If you wish to Roleplay in Private, without being disturbed by others who are undertaking their own Roleplay (such as Raiding), you must make it clearly visible to others. For example: Placing a "Private RP - Do Not Disturb" sign outside of your property. You should also change your Job to "Private Roleplayer".

Prop Rules

Do NOT Spawn Props in properties you don't own.

Do NOT Prop Block Anything, Anywhere. An exception to this is Propblocking Windows of properties you own and that are UNOWNABLE.

Prop Kill is not possible on this Server (You're unable to kill others by striking them with a Prop), but don't try regardless. That will be classed as "Prop Pushing" which is NOT allowed.

Do NOT Prop Push other Players or their Props, Entities, Vehicles, etc.

Do NOT Prop Climb/Surf with the intention to disrupt others Roleplaying or to give yourself an unfair advantage.

Do NOT build anything in Public areas that blocks access to anything by others unless what is being blocked is ownable and owned by you.

Do NOT toy with other Player's Creations/Props unless you have Permission from them.

Do NOT have floating props/bases unless it's possible for others to reach them.

Do NOT cause abuse with Invisible Props.

Do NOT build inappropriate structures with Props.